
sim·plic·i·ty: absence of luxury, pretentiousness, ornament, etc.; plainness: a life of simplicity.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Milk & Water

A couple of weeks ago, I informed Patrick that I was going to cut out juice and Crystal Lite. His response was "Good for you!" Knowing that he thought I meant only for me I said, "No, no, no. No more juice or Crystal Lite in the house at ALL!" He wasn't nearly as excited about that. I had already been cutting back significantly on the soda. But we were keeping both orange juice and apple juice in the refrigerator and going through it so fast that it was a burden on our budget. And I myself was addicted to Crystal Lite after having weaned myself off soda. So while Patrick wasn't ecstatic about giving up the juice, he supported me in my decision because he knew how much money we would save. The transition from juice to only milk and water was difficult mostly for Mwende. At first she refused to drink water saying that she thought it was yucky. So I was making a lot of "chocolate" milk (aka Ovaltine) for her. But then I realized that what we were saving from not buying juice, we were spending on extra milk. So I restricted milk to only breakfast and dinner. They could have as much water in between as their hearts desired. Fortunately now, Mwende wants water just as much as she previously wanted juice. Even I'm getting used to drinking water with nothing added.

So if you come over to our house, the only drinks you'll find in our fridge are milk and water (and the occasional wine or beer!)

1 comment:

  1. I like this! We've never been too much for juice, but our family of 4 goes through at least 7 gallons of milk a week - wow...that's way too much. Changes coming our way. Thanks for the thought...!
